the before. and yes, that is a cabinet door on the counter. no we don't have a trap door in the island. chris ripped that off for us about 12 o clock one night, because it swings the wrong way. thanks cabinet guy.
step 1: suggest to your painter that you don't really know what color you want this room, so just leave it white.
step 2: realize after you moved in that white = this room ain't finished. then realize you paid a painter not to finish a room.
step 3: quit caring that the room isn't done because you have too many other projects to finish in your brand new house.
step 4: finish 37 other projects and realize you still don't like the white.
step 5: look online at other peoples' kitchens and realize you wish you had a different kitchen.
step 6: get cussed by your husband.
step 7: see a black kitchen you like.
step 8: google black room images about 45 times.
step 9: tell everybody you know you are going to paint your kitchen black.
step 10: get shot down by everybody you know, except your husband who surprisingly says this is a good idea.
step 11: go buy more paint.
step 12: wake up on a saturday and think you will knock this out in about 2 hours.
step 13:realize that its going to take more like 8 hours. painting a wall black, around stark white trim is not easy going.
step 14: take pictures of black kitchen. show them to everybody you know. tell them they were wrong.
step 15: take a night time picture. also be sure to get a good picture of your trash, because there is no door. which is convenient, but unsanitary.

step 16: take a daytime picture, but from the other direction. so you can't see directly into the trash.

step 17: take another picture from another angle. so you can't see the open air trash can at all. but you can see the cabinet door. now on the floor.

step 18: be really happy you painted your kitchen black.
step 19: decide you really need to paint another room now.