well maybe not
good, but at least better. i am trying to keep my temper under control at the jobsite. so maybe that is helping.
some of the front of the house now has a roof. which is good, because it rains at least twice a week still.

and you can notice a bit of the brick work. its getting close to done as well. mostly the fireplace is left. and when its done, me and the brick mason are going to have a go round. and i certainly don't mean a go round the park.
two doors are in. i promise you these are the priciest doors around. which i absolutely did not intend to buy. and i wasn't bowled over by them and just HAD to have them. no that is NOT the way it went. apparently if you mention you need something out there, then some little group of men started cobbling away at said item, and it is yours. whether you actually wanted it or not. i like them, yet i don't feel they are quite at a super special order-cobbling price level. oh well. 
my main exterior doors have yet to show. i think the head knocker cobbler is in charge of those. and he didn't even have to build the doors. just the casings. or jambs. the thing that holds the door up. i bought the doors on the cheap. my sister will tell you they came from applebees. i did not buy them from applebees, so i can't speak to their original whereabouts, but they are nice. and they better still be nice when the head cobbler sends them back. or his cobbling days are over.
onto to some niceties.
i took this gross chair.
and turned it into this less gross chair...

i realize this isn't the best picture i could have taken. i will get some better shots this weekend. along with some other things that i have going on. chris has a love affair with recliners. i do not have any sort of affair with recliners. i don't want to have anything to do with them. you can hardly find one that isn't plush enough to lose a small animal in. in fact, i have a small animal who totally destroyed a lazy boy one afternoon. im not sure how he pulled it off, but he obviously got his paws on some dynamite from somewhere and exploded that thing all over my living room. i gave him a box of dogbones. and signed him up for the disposal of the current replacement of that chair. so anywhoo, i had this recliner. and it was sort of modern-ey looking. and i had that fabric, (which is a slate brown velvet fyi). so now i have that chair. which is one meeeeelion times better than what i had.