really? really?

so moving on from the a/c units that i am pretty sure got mixed up, and actually belong in some large warehouse or something. maybe more like the refrigerated section of your grocery store.
anywhoo. so the shower floor + grout = loveliness. i think we think it's extra nice because of the shower we currently have. i won't go into details. but its gross. its about 60 years old. and i know i exaggerate, but i'm not here. and i am pretty sure that the orange stuff on the ceiling is not from me getting overzealous with the cherry blossom shower gel. so anything better than that chris and i would certainly compare to a shower at the ritz. we are super pleased. i say we. chris hasn't actually seen it, but i assured him he was super pleased.

i mean how could you not be? there's a seat in there. a seat! for years chris has told me he wanted to sit down in the shower. he really wanted to put a plastic chair in our current shower. i told him that wasn't a good idea because 1) there isn't room for you and a seat. he would have to actually bathe while sitting in it, and i am pretty sure there are a few key items you wouldn't be able to wash if you were sitting on them. 2) we really don't need anything else dangerous in the shower. we got the orange moldy stuff going on. lets don't add a slip and fall into the things that can harm us while we shower.

also, if you are wondering why in the world i haven't cleaned the orange stuff off of the shower ceiling. its because that prior to chris and i getting married. he decided it would be a good idea to spray popcorn ceiling in the entire house. everybody else was frantically trying to find a way to get that horrible mess out of their house, chris was putting it in. and its in the shower. which i am fairly certain its not an appropriate place for that. the mold just clings to all of those little nasty hang down popcorny things. thankfully, all of that is going to be remedied when we move out.
and finally. if the brick mason doesn't show up and actually do some work at my house asap, he is going to have to find somewhere else to be employed. i
think he has been out there. and kinda looked around. do something while you are there. i mean just push some bricks around with your toe to act like you thought about the fireplace while you were there. i don't even know if he went in the house. i am not sure if he's ever been in the house actually. because as you may recall, the fireplace is more like outside of the house. so its totally plausible he may be surprised to find out there IS an inside. firePLACE not firePIT. lets try to get it together.