Wednesday, November 11, 2009

you know denny?

um, me either. and only my mom will get that. it has absolutely no relevance to this post, but she thinks its funny. and since she was the only one who would brave the IKEA, granite, used hotel furnishing buying trip with me. thats for her.
sooooooooo the most activity the jobsite has seen lately has been the delivery of the dumpster. now don't get me wrong, with chris' trash obsession this is a very important jobsite addition. and i also feel like it really adds to the ambiance around there. i.e. it makes it seem like a real jobsite. however, its not really the progress i was hoping for. maybe there will be lumber that shows up soon. wouldn't that be great? like wood, for your house? seems important.
as i mentioned before, my mom and i went on a whirlwind trip to atlanta to meet my cousin to discuss my countertops, also met my cabinet guy. then we headed out to the granite store to pick out a slab. see below. i was doing a better job of taking a picture of me taking a picture of granite, while my mom stood by and thought "what have i gotten myself into?".

i get it together a little bit better and get a slightly better shot. before you say or think it. yes that's black granite. yes its probably hard to take care of. yes it will probably show every fingerprint that ever touches it. but its basically the only way i will get granite countertops. (read: its the only color that chris says doesn't look like it should be in some mafia boss's bathroom. i'm not sure where he gets his interior design info.) so black it is. people, its either that or chris suggested he could build our countertops out of wood. i do not care how much that slab costs. i think my cousin who installs granite countertops would also chip in just so nobody gets wooden countertops.

so that part of the trip was pretty successful. we also hit up the atlanta contemporary jewelry show, which is non-house related but i somehow managed to buy something there too.

all that was left was IKEA, which was a major part of the trip for me. i loooove it there. i will move in there one day. anyway, i thought we should run by Homegoods on the way to IKEA, for a lamp. you know, because they don't sell them at our Homegoods. and low and behold at the stuff i bought there. its indescribable. all i can do is post a picture. i was in danger of not being able to get anything from IKEA, but between my mom's mad packing skills and my determination that damn it, i was going to buy something there, our car looked like this when we got home....

as a side note, we did NOT buy anything at Belks. see that is luggage.

so i know you are super excited to know what i got at IKEA, and that will probably end up being a whole other post. but there is lighting... for the kitchen!!! whoo hoo hoo! BUT it hasn't been approved yet. so we shall wait for that.

man, i am all over this. who would like to hire me to fill your house with random things???

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