i can't believe it's taken me this long to get this classy bathroom together. from now on i exclusively use only this bathroom. there's no shower, but i will deal.

please note the picture where elvis is shirtless. we originally had this hung over the toilet. but moved it to the opposite wall. we figured the ladies could see it better that way. instead of the gents.

here, you need a close up.

we swapped it with this one. which is my first picture in the elvis gallery collection. a gift from my mom's cousin who took the picture while he was a security guard at one of elvis' last shows. he was kind enough to give it to me. probably so i would just shut the hell up about it.

in doggie news. i got bessie the best new bed ever. smeagle promptly took it over.

which resulted in this.

don't worry. she remembered that she outweighs him by about 100 pounds.
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