Friday, March 11, 2011

merry Christmas

because we missed it here. and i know you are sad.

these are just snippets of the house, but it was our first Christmas in the new homestead.

this is not at our house, but its a rare picture of the 3 of us together. and my hair looked good that night. it hasn't looked like that since. truly a Christmas miracle. plus, i have on a men's plaid shirt, pearls and a fake fur vest. what doesn't say feliz navidad like that combo?

one of the three trees. i have no clue where the other pictures went...
the trifecta of Christmas morning: A Christmas Story on tv, a snuggie. and a kid opening a gift that she will tell you wasn't what she really wanted.
this she did want.dear lord look at those terrible green walls.

i think chris would fight her for that peanut butter and jelly sandwich if it came down to it. she would win. we hope you also had a real nice Christmas 3 months ago too!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

how to paint a room in a brand new house, part 2.

with a little bit of halloween and thanksgiving thrown in, because well it has been a while.

so lets all remember this...we will not even get into the one million reasons why it needed to be repainted. you know it did. know its looks a little bit more like this...
and a little bit of this....

a lot of things are still a thorn in my side in this room. but at least it is not a pink thorn any longer!

if you are asking yourself "what is this room?". don't ask me. i am not sure yet. and clearly neither is the room.

stayed tuned for more, yes more, in the series of how to repaint a room in a brand new house.

and because we have missed some major holidays.

how about some ghetto annie for halloween?
and what my house turns into at holidays. in particular, thanksgiving. i am not going to post what i turned into after this...
check back soon to see how i have yet again, screwed something up.