so apparently my husband chris and i are going to build a house. i say apparently because its been a long drawn out process and nobody has shown up at our door yet to deliver a load of moneybags to us. but, we will consider those things trivialities and forge ahead. several of my friends (and by several i mean ONE, and then her husband agreed) suggested i should start a blog about it. so going on the assumption that there is a huge demand out there to read about this, i decided why not?
first off you should know that this is going to be one complicated project. most couples say they don't agree on things. well this is severely true with chris and me. i have dedicated months of research to this house. i have a huge notebook full of ideas and colors and layouts. i have talked to every cabinet maker, tile expert and window supplier within a 200 mile radius of our home. i have poured over every volume of cottage living, house beautiful, southern living and architectural digest since 1982. i have had numerous meetings with my own personal architect (more on that later) and i have delightful ideas of a modern, interesting and funky home floating around in my head like fireflies. chris has one magazine in his arsenal. a 1998 edition of "log home journal" or something along those lines. so you can see where ideas may collide. we are both opinionated and stubborn so things could get interesting. we have settled on a house plan and we are both happy with it. thanks to my super architect boss, who has dedicated lots of his time and ideas into getting us the perfect house.
now to execute the plan. we have a sign up sheet (literally) for all of our friends and family to donate their time and skills to this project. so if you are wanting to contribute, you just contact me.
you will meet all of these players later on throughout the project. for now, meet my husband and current arch nemesis, chris:

farmer. man's man. lover of log cabins and burgundy and green. sure he looks innocent enough here, but just wait until somebody mentions white granite counter tops and blue ceilings.
you see where this is all going?
in the event that nobody shows up at our house with loads of moneybags, we will turn this blog into the "how to remodel your cute little house on a cute little budget" :)