confused? me too. in order to get a building permit you first have to hand out a lot of checks, do some re-checks on things you already did, check off some more things and then do a rescheck. whats that you ask? well its fairly complicated but what i can glean from the rescheck website is that you have to know the dimensions of your home, what windows you are using and your construction type. then you must know trigonometry. seriously. and you use all of that to prove that your house is going to be energy efficient. lets hope i got the co-efficients of the u-factor and the r-factor right for the shgc rating. know what i'm talking about? me either. needless to say, they love me over at the building inspections office. keep your fingers crossed.
some things i DO know about are pictures of the site. i'm fairly familiar with where we are going to build and can find my way there on most days.
here's a straight on view of where the house will be, just across the pond...

the view if you were sitting on the "front porch"....

now all there is to do is wait. currently i'm waiting on no less than 3 people to do things to get this show on the road. i made sure we can use the bathroom out there. what else do you want from me?
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