for those of you who don't know, you don't just prance on up to the building inspectors office to secure your permit. oh no. i went to the building inspector, to a notary, to the clerk of court, to the tax assessor (911 address people) and then back to the building inspector. THEN i went to the health department to draw them a pretty picture of what i think my house will look like on the lot, so that they can come out and let me know if we can use the bathroom and garbage disposal at the house. that my friends is a good way to spend a friday morning. and i'm still not quite done with the building inspector yet.
oh! and i almost forgot i visisted the surveyor and the appraiser yesterday. i am not sure how many actual businesses i have patronized in the past two days, but its a lot.
the very friendly health department workers (really! they seemed to love their job) suggested we stake out the house so they can locate the septic tank. or else i can pay them some more monies to come back later. note to self: stake out house this weekend.
also this weekened, i will probably continue my stock piling aka "rat packing" of things for the house, such as all of my exterior doors which have already been bought (amongst other things)...

so maybe i'm feeling a little bit better about things, since i hopefully got a lot accomplished today!

p.s. lee anna is super excited for the groundbreaking.
I went to Applebee's yesterday, and low and behold, the doors are gone. I must admit, this is a lovely scheme, no doubt an attempt to save money, but how did you get them off the hinges?