you know what happens if you go to the insurance agency, lawyer, bank, building inspector, back to the lawyer and then to a building supply company? this is the exact right combination for the money truck to show up and for you to get a building permit. now the truck will back up to you and then when you go to open the door to get your money, it will pull up just a little bit. and the driver will laugh and laugh. then hes like "ok go ahead, get your money." so you go back up to the truck and he pulls waaay farther up. and he just giggles. and so forth and so on, until you are at your wits end. and the driver then just gives up and gives you the money, or else he is going to have to drive you over to the mental asylum. so this is pretty much what happens. oh and you need to go to the lawyers and sign about one bazillion things. then you can have the monies.
so we are officially building a house!!!! i would be super excited, if i weren't so tired already. it will sink in soon i guess.
so on to the more important things, like appliances. i am getting this particular range based on two things. 1) its a double oven. which is tres importante for being able to cook supper and bake chris' all important everyday batch of chocolate chip cookies. 2) it has a sabbath mode. a sabbath mode people! from what i can understand this means that you can set that thing to NOT OPERATE on sundays. for reals. sorry chris, i'm not sure what the deal could be, but this oven just won't cook on sunday. wow. (correct me if i am wrong on this if you know).
Ok, my oven has the Sabbath mode too...and I regret to inform you that my understanding is you can set it to turn on and off by itself, so if you aren't supposed to work on the sabbath, then you aren't working to turn the thing on or off...but then who prepares the meal to put in the oven?? I don't understand.
ReplyDeleteDo they have an oven that comes with a servant function?