on a lighter note... i just ordered some fabulous fabric. ok ok, i have sort of a fabric addiction and buy it for no apparent reason. but i do have a project in mind for this AND i have had my eye on it forever! it is vintage french ticking material. which is what they used to make mattresses out of. i am under the impression this DOES NOT come with bed bugs tho, in case you were worried for me.

also, we should hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) see some progress this week, and if so i will post pictures from that. i know you are hanging on my every word here. but i think bo summed up the progress thus far the best in the following recounted conversation:
bo: "mama, i want you to put those pictures back in my room that you took out the other day."
me: "maybe when we move to the NEW house we can put those pictures in your NEW room."
bo: "mama, that is not a house. its just a dirt pit."
i mean, you really cannot argue with that kind of logic.
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