sooooooo, my cabinets went in. and a minor geyser in the middle of my kitchen went up. apparently if you touch a little pipe that is glued into your floor, things will go bad for you. (and by you, i mean a dude that works for the cabinet guy. not me, i don't do bad things at my new house) . and they will go bad quick like. and your cabinet guy will make a diving leap onto the pipe, stick his thumb over the pipe, and get soaking wet until the water can be turned off. (which takes about 30-40 minutes i think). and then your brand new floor will get wet. which is a bad, bad thing. fingers crossed it dries out ok.a saving grace for my cabinet guy is that 1. it was a true accident and 2. the cabinets look seen here. (warning, if turquoise is an issue for you, turn away now). and p.s. the flash makes things look a little brighter than they are. but the cabinets do set off the blue in chris' eyes very nicely. good thing he doesn't read this blog.

the pantry. this single unit contains more cabinet space than i've seen in about 10 years.

and for the final bit of turquoise i will subject you to today, my sink. oh the sink.

if it makes you feel a tad bit better. chris actually likes the cabinets. they were approved of before hand, and he liked them when they showed up. so there.
on the other hand, he may not be so sure about this cabinet. but hey, how often is he really going to be in the laundry room? crap. i may have screwed myself here and given him an out on the laundry situation. but isn't that sink good looking? or rather the idea of the sink is good looking, because that thing needs some help. which is coming soon.

and something that may make you feel better about all this crazy talk color, bo's chalkboard wall in her playroom. i don't care what you say, thats a good idea.

and now for a good solid, non crazy note. the units beside the fireplace. they look good and classic, yes? good. they are getting some green paint on the backs soon.

so we've dealt with the turquoise and the minor catastrophe of the flood. and now for the flies. there were 3,456 flies in the house yesterday afternoon. we know because we killed 3,244 of them, and just guessed at the amount left. disgusting. do you know how long it takes to kill 3,244 flies with 2 fly swats? (which mostly we operated with just one, because bo said she needed to "help" swat). it takes about 3 hours. and then you have to sweep them all up. just ewwww. do you want to know where 3,456 flies come from? if you husband dumps loads and loads of chicken litter in your back yard, that will happen. the neighbors complain, especially the ones who also got a dead chicken included in the load beside their house, but chris says something about how he doesn't care because chicken litter = profit. etc. etc.
ok. one more pic so that you know i'm not totally interior decorating insane. finished living room ceiling. we may or may not leave the bag on the fan.