poof. here she is.

so like any good oscar speech. i, of course, forgot to mention a key individual. it has been brought to my attention that i did not mention my sister. jodie. i would like to take this time to acknowledge that she spearheaded the organization of bo's closet. if anybody knows us as sisters, you of course know that she is the organized one. i prefer to leave things in a haphazard manner and hope for the best in remembering what is where. so thank you jodie for making sure that each of bo's shorts and shirts had a match, and if they didn't for not getting rid of them. even tho mom said you should. i couldn't have done it without you. or let me rephrase. i wouldn't have done it without you.
i also didn't mention our parents by name, because i mean who really wants their name all over a blog besides me (and jodie.)? but just to reemphasize, we would never be near moving into this house without the help of my parents, chris' parents and our neighbor. and all of our friends who have helped. i won't call out names here because i am sure i will leave one out and then here we go again with me needing to issue an apology via press conference.
so thank you all again.
i will leave you with a parting shot of myself that pretty much sums up how i feel everyday now.
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