and this is pretty much how we accomplished it. with a car trailer. it took 3 loads. (in the trailer. it took about 15 loads in regular cars. not.even.kidding.) the trailer has now officially been used more to move our crap than it has to move the car. and chris is complaining there are footprints inside of it. so if you helped move, please be considerate enough to come back and help clean the car trailer. i mean its the least you could do.

there was much discussion of how best to go about things. it got heated on several occasions and people had to be told to chill out. none of those people live in the house. imagine that.

we only broke one thing (a t.v. and it was old anyway), but we lost about 25 things. so if you have seen our toothbrushes, alarm clock or paper towel holder. we need them. i do not know how you lose something when you are only moving about a football fields distance. i think it has something to do with cramming 3,000 s.f. of stuff into a 1,700 s.f. house and living there for 10 years, then moving it. i don't know. i do know the new house is full and i am not even finished moving or unpacking yet. hmmm.
the doors are now stained. as well as the stairs.

the living room and dining room are partially assembled. it is of course a work in progress. and by that i mean, in a year it will be right. a year or so.

our bedroom is being pieced together

when everything is just so, i will post some more pics. but i know you were just dying to see. ok maybe just sort of curious because you didn't have a lot else going on to look at on the internet. every other room pretty much looks like a bomb went off in them at this point.
and lastly, water softeners are crap. do not get one. if somebody tells them you need one, you tell them they must not care about their appearance. my hair has officially looked like mess everyday since we moved in. i told chris we would just have to sacrifice faucets, sinks, etc. i do not care how much hardwater and calcium build up in them. i cannot go around looking like a grease head everyday for the rest of my life. he concurs. i look like mess.
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