Tuesday, January 12, 2010

elvas! Oh! elvaaaaaaas!

i noticed as i was watching wall to wall Elvis coverage this weekend, that when the women screamed for Elvis, it was more like elvaaaaaas. i have also come to another realization. and that is i am dedicating my half bath to Elvis. i have moments of clarity each month, usually about 3 days a month i think straight. today is one of them. now you may not thinking dedicating a half bathroom to Elvis is a moment of clarity per se. but for me it is. i just feel its right. thus i am bidding on no less than like 15 pictures of him on ebay right now. in my mind its a classy gallery wall installation. right now you are thinking Elvis+bathroom is not equal to classy. i will make it happen. you watch.

now at the same time i realize this is wrong an a couple of levels. Elvis may or may not have died in the bathroom. depending on 1)if you believe he is in fact dead (i don't) and 2) if you believe he died in the bathroom or not. its a moot point with me, since of course i believe he lives like in Rio De Janerio or somewhere and 2)chris has not been apprised of this situation yet. here are my responses to that. 1)Elvis had a good sense of humor, he would appreciate the irony here. and 2)chris just made a couple of new purchases. he currently has no room to argue with me.

oh and the house, did you come here to find out about progress and not just Elvis?
the roof. the roof. oh and people i am related to who shall be forced into manual labor later on in this project. such as: my mother in law, my mother, and my sister (the one with the infants hat on)
our bedroom ceiling/roof. whatever. contractor talk eludes me. and my dad. he is head babysitter.
it was cold. well digger cold. we all stole hats from bo to wear. no kidding.

so i'm pretty sure that by now you have put 2 and 2 together to get 6 about me. well that's pretty much how the interior design of this house is going to go. sorry mom and suzy, sometimes you got to step outside the box. but not outside the bathroom, because thats where elvis is.


  1. where is my shout out here? I tirelessly reviewed elvis material with you last weekend before your epifany! We evaluated your Elvis postage stamp collection...I mean come on...give credit where credit is due.

  2. ok, so heres lee anna's credit. she said my elvis stamps looked too cartoony. thank you for prompting me to get real pics :)
