this one kinda slipped up on me. sheet rock arrived a day early. sheetrockers then also arrived a day early. all of this goes against everything the construction industry stands for. the sheetrockers play spanish rap music, which goes against everything i stand for. but they work until dark, so i will let it slide.
the guest bedroom. notice the ceiling. which has caused me problems with everybody involved in this job. i. do. not. care. period. i like it. a lots.
bo's bedroom. did you know, in an emergency situation. you would not be able to get out of these windows? according to our building code, you can't anyway. so our building code is geared towards those of you who may happen to be 7 foot tall or more. as a result, this window will need to find a new home. so those of you who need a huge window, let me know. i have 2.
bo's playroom. and her playing in it.
the living room wall. and a dude, who i am 99% sure didn't really want to be documented.
have a happy weekend!!!!!!!
yay! It's starting to look like a house now.