i know you are all excited about the elvis part. but we will save it for last.
the garage is now mostly finished on the inside. i am 99.9% sure its now chris' favorite room. due to all the wood. oh and look, another window! the joy. i love having extra windows laying all around. it seems so safe, economical and it's always nice to let the rain blow into a big gaping hole in your home.

and what will probably be my favorite room one day. the art studio. and bo with her gardening hat on.

the big gaping hole. at this point, this room is sheetrocked and a level coat of paint has been applied. by this weekend a primer coat of the actual color should be on it. if there isn't a also a window in that hole by tomorrow (it is supposed to rain some this weekend), eddie may make it to the list. so far he is the only person out there NOT on my list. are you reading this eddie? ok probably not.
is getting a whole lot of this... van duesen blue. i have no clue who van duesen is, but i like him.and speaking of paint. i had a nice conversation with my painter. i say nice. i'm sure he was thinking "this girl is not right". he kept nodding and saying, oh yea that will be fine. no problem. all the while trying to back out of the door i am sure, to run away from the multiple colors i have picked. (as an aside, i picked a gray for the gaping hole guest room. which the painter seems excited over, he said OH! I've always wanted to paint a room gray and nobody ever picks it. leave it to me).
so i know you have all been just waiting to see what color i have picked for
the elvis bathroom and i too have fretted over this. well it has been decided.this little room...

so the walls, and the ceiling. all this lovely blue. the painter actually said "yea, that will work". bless his heart. (image via realsimple.com) i feel its glamorous enough for elvis. yet, the gallery wall its really going to pop on it. (are you backing out the door with the painter at this point?)
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