and while eddie was there. he installed one of my replacement windows. the one on the right. the one on the left is still not big enough! so it will be replaced as soon as the replacement arrives. i do not like having to say replace, and replacement, etc. so many times in reference to a new house. also the replacement window that has been installed opens out the wrong way, thanks supplier guy for doing a great job blocking my pond views when the windows are open. good job. and while i am on that topic, i have switched suppliers in the middle of the house. so just to get that out there. moving along...
the first coat of paint is down/up. whatever the correct painter term is. its on the wall. this is the living room. its a light blue gray. (tomorrow you will see the master bedroom, which is a light gray blue. see there's a difference). also, these colors are a 1/2 tint. which i am to understand is not totally indicative of the final color. (this isn't how the guy said it, i dressed it up some). i think what he meant was, if you don't like it now, this ain't how its gonna look when i'm done. so basically, keep your mouth shut until i say i'm done. i'm cool with that.
from the dining room, through the kitchen. and far far off, you can see my turquoise foyer. ahhh. turquoise. you are so lovely. and way brighter than i had envisioned in my mind. ok, he's not done yet. oh and see the doors. maybe they will be up today.
previously mentioned turquoise foyer. which chris says the whole house is blue. no its not. its blue gray, gray blue and turquoise. with some pink, white, gray and van duesen blue thrown in. (you can see these tomorrow).get it together. much to chris' chagrin, he didn't edit the paint colors prior to my handing them over to the painters. you live. you learn.
and finally the sitting room upstairs. also turquoise. if i have lost any of you on these paint colors. stick with me. i will pull it all out. i promise.
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