so anywhoo, off the soap box. back to patchwork quilt house.
notice the little kick offs above the porch. me like.

bo says her baby "claire reese" is really excited to move in. and aren't they done yet?
bo says her baby "claire reese" is really excited to move in. and aren't they done yet?
so i'm pretty sure that by now you have put 2 and 2 together to get 6 about me. well that's pretty much how the interior design of this house is going to go. sorry mom and suzy, sometimes you got to step outside the box. but not outside the bathroom, because thats where elvis is.
the littlest building inspector does have make-up skills tho. look at that. looking gooooood. since this photo she has moved on to the eyeshadow. which i was informed is applied above the eyebrow. bad move Christmas gift? probably.
hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. jodie made it back safely from far off Qatar. if you want to know all about her trippie check out
the weather is rain free, but cold here. so maybe i can manage a couple more updates this week.