is pretty much what we looked like on the way home from ikea on monday. in the back of this truck, and i am not over embellishing here, are the following items : 8 drawer dresser, 2 nightstands, 2 living room chairs, a couch, and some dogfood bowl stands. i can't even list all of the things in the front of the truck. notice how jodie is cowering away from the truck like at any moment something may let loose. which it did in the parking lot of ikea.

the back seat also included mom until we crow barred her out. luckily we all got tool kits at ikea. so we had it covered.

so we have found out that exuberance and determination while in ikea may not necessarily be a good thing. mom kept saying "why don't you go ahead and get this while you are here?". and jodie and i kept saying "sure we can fit that in". our downfall came when we had to pick something up AFTER check out. and that thing ended up being 2 huge boxes of chairs. which was not part of our plan. but thanks to hector, whom we have determined was a swedish spaniard, we got it all in. he bungeed corded and twined everything and said "sure you go now. look good" until mom opened a tool box on the side of the truck. a bungee cord ricocheted across the truck and at mom. hector promptly disappeared. i kid you not.
the reason i was actually near ikea was to complete a fun filled weekend of painting a 3 level house. good times. but i got to see this girl. love her so much! and she even helped paint!

so back to the house, here she sits across the pond....

roof is starting to shape up some more....

and finally, your first gander at the back of the house. is it right for a porch ceiling to be about 15 feet high? hmm. where is fast eddie?

the token shot of the littlest building inspector. who was more interested in shop cat today. and shop cat was more interested in bo's "huggy bears" aka gummy fruit snack.

and lastly, i know you are thinking it. and i know it. ikea furniture is not heirloom furniture. no i will not be passing it down to bo as a treasured possession. is it cheap? yes. is it fun? yes. do i like it? yes. will i feel bad when i chunk it? nope.
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