i would like to state for the record, that some of the reason we are even getting to build this house is because we've been planning forever. some people hoard newspapers, letters, old buttons. chris and i hoard hardwood flooring, exterior doors, tile flooring....things such as this. that is no lie. we took johnny cash at his word and started with the "one piece at a time" years ago. remember the laundry room sink from a few posts back?? i will re purpose something quick like. if i could have bought a few 2 x4's every time i went to lowes we would be super set. alas, chris said that was a dumb idea.
so anywhoo, off the soap box. back to patchwork quilt house.
notice the little kick offs above the porch. me like.

ceiling in the living room. chris wanted it higher than this. i said no.

what it looks like when i leave the job site. incidentally if i leave there at 6, i leave about 2 hours after the work day there has ended.
bo says her baby "claire reese" is really excited to move in. and aren't they done yet?

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