actual progress. it's starting to look like a real house. here the first floor is almost complete.

like with walls and everything. at this point i am standing in the living room, looking into the kitchen.

and the second floor has begun. you can't really tell it from this vantage point, but that second floor is up there. waaaaaay up there. (also notice the familiar rain clouds moving in.)

the littlest building inspector pulled some strings and got the best view of anyone. a huge window on either side of her room. each looks out onto a different pond. i know this because i climbed up there. more like shimmied. this is also how i know it is very high up there. i was reminded that i do not really care for heights. i was also reminded that i had to come down from up there. sans a ladder or any sort of stairs. i do not have spider man skills.
the littlest building inspector does have make-up skills tho. look at that. looking gooooood. since this photo she has moved on to the eyeshadow. which i was informed is applied above the eyebrow. bad move Christmas gift? probably.
hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. jodie made it back safely from far off Qatar. if you want to know all about her trippie check out
the weather is rain free, but cold here. so maybe i can manage a couple more updates this week.
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