i think its because of the roof line, and the fact that our pool will be located here some day. and by "our" pool. i do also mean my friend lee anna's pool. she refers to it as "our" pool. she says things like "whens our pool going to be ready?" so i'm thinking i may need to start referring to the guest room as "their room". and i will say things like when are "WE" going to clean "our" pool. you know.

chris told me yesterday to come on, it was time to leave. and i said i need some more pictures. he says you have enough pictures. i say "it looks different today, doesn't it?" i'm not really sure. but by goodness, i have documentation.
and the littlest building inspector has taken to making job site visits in ray ban's. looks pretty good to me. actually she sort of looks like me here. i do think its the glasses tho.

the other side of the house. and jade learns the hard way, if you go visit the house with me. you get your picture made and on the blog. standard procedure.

and lastly, a little Elvis bathroom preview for you. i mean come on, how could you not want a gallery wall of pictures such as this? oh and if you see chris, don't really strike up a conversation about the bathroom, yet. i mean once the installation is complete. sure, knock yourself out. but until then, lets just let it be our little surprise. yea that's it, surprise.

"our" pool is seeming more and more like a distant fantasy...kinda like you running off with the Elvis impersonators....